Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Last Legion Trailer - In Theaters August 17th

naputra  |  at  5:29 PM  | 8 comments

The Last Legion” is a fantasy action-adventure in the vein of “The Sword and the Stone” set against the fall of Rome and its last emperor, 12 year-old Romulus Augustus, the boy who would rule for a day before losing all that he loved: his family

, his home, and an empire that once stood for truth and honor. Imprisoned on the island-fortress of Capri, Romulus searches for a means of escape. He discovers instead “excaliburnus,” the legendary sword of Julius Caesar, and realizes that he must do all in his power to save Rome. Aided by the clever strategies of his teacher, Ambrosinus, and the heroic skills of his loyal legionnaire, Aurelius, Romulus escapes the island. Accompanied by his friends and a mysterious envoy from Constantinople, Romulus travels to Britannia in search of the last Roman Legion - the fabled Dragon Legion. There, Romulus will fight alongside his friends to make his last stand for Rome and take his first steps to becoming a man and the king who would father a legend.

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  1. @Itu masih Trial Eko ..... Jadi tunggu aja yang ful yaaaaaaaa

  2. kira - kira kapan mas yang full di share! pengen liat nih!

  3. Thanks for sharing this very useful information... Keep sharing my friend :)

  4. @صبي مُضَحِّك Tar Lok dah ada yang baru tak share deh
    @Blog Kesuksesan Hidup Makasih atas kunjungannya ya sob semua
    dan semoga bermanfaat


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